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Can Dogs Eat Mango? Is Mango a Safe Fruit for Dogs?

Dogs seem to love all types of different fruits, especially the tropical kind. But what about Mango? If you are thinking of feeding some of this nutrient-dense superfruit to your pup, there are a few things you'll want to know. Veterinarian Joanna Woodnutt looks at whether this tropical fruit is something you should be feeding Fido.

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Last Updated: January 2, 2023 | 5 min read

Can Dogs Eat Mango

This article was written by a veterinarian, but it should not substitute as contact with a trained professional. If your dog ate mango and is reacting adversely, contact your local veterinarian immediately.

It is natural to think that eating fruit and vegetables is healthy for dogs because it is healthy for us. Dogs can indeed eat a lot of similar foods to humans. Most dogs, just like us, can tolerate a variety of plant and meat-based foods.

Many dogs will happily eat most human foods offered to them. In fact, certain fruits like papayabananasstrawberrieswatermelon, and blueberries provide some great antioxidant support to their diet if combined with their dry food.

However, there are some things we eat that are dangerous for our canine friends, including some fruit. Mangoes are a delicious and nutritious snack for us, but are they safe for our canine companions, or are they toxic? Let’s jump in and find out!

Is Mango Safe for Dogs?

Ripe Tropical Fruit
Mango flesh can be fed to most dogs, but it should only be a small part of their diet.

As with many fruits, mango is safe for dogs if certain precautions are taken. Mango is a soft fruit with a tough rind and a large pit in the center that should never be fed to a dog. The soft, fleshy part of the mango is a healthy snack for most dogs and is best fed in bite-sized pieces to prevent choking.

Additionally, mango should be ripe when fed to dogs. If it is too firm, it will be difficult to cut into small chunks and may be a choking hazard. To check a mango is ripe, give it a gentle squeeze; it should feel soft to touch, with a little give in the skin.

Please remember, dogs should always be fed a balanced and complete main food. A commercially produced, dog-specific food is best because this will give your pup the correct balance of nutrients. It is extremely difficult to achieve this balance yourself.

Your dog’s main food should make up 90% of their overall food intake, with other treats, like fruit, being 10% or less. Fruit is not suitable for dogs as the main source of food. If you need help choosing appropriate dog food, it is best to talk to your veterinarian.

Is Mango Healthy for Dogs?

Sliced Tropical Fruit
Mangoes contain many nutrients that most canines can benefit from.

Mango fruit is a good choice of treat for most dogs because it is low in fat and high in fiber. Dogs need some fiber in their diet because it feeds the good bacteria in their gut and helps maintain healthy digestion. Dogs will get some fiber from mango.

Mangoes also contain antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamins A, B6, C, and E. They also contain iron, calcium, and zinc. Dog’s need vitamin A in their diet; it helps maintain healthy skin and eyes and a glossy coat.

Please be aware that too much vitamin A can cause harm. Eating a little mango as a treat is an appropriate amount of vitamin A as part of an overall balanced diet. Please don’t feed your dog foods rich in vitamin A (like liver and fish oils) without consulting a veterinarian.

Vitamins C, B6, and E are important to dogs as they support a variety of functions around the body. Having a little extra of these vitamins from a treat like a mango, alongside their balanced main food, is not a bad thing.

Mango skin or rind is reported to have additional health benefits in humans, but it is not safe for canine consumption, so please don’t be tempted.

What Types of Mango Can a Dog Eat?

Tropical Fruit Cut into Chunks
The best way to feed mango to dogs is fresh, ripe, uncooked mango flesh, cut into bite-sized pieces.

Dried mango can be very chewy, so it is tempting to think it will make a good, long-lasting treat. Sadly, dried mango contains far more calories and sugar than fresh mango. It would be easy to over-feed a dog with dried mango, which could lead to obesity.

Mango-flavored ice cream is not suitable for dogs. It is unlikely to be dangerous as a one-off if your pup sneaks an accidental lick, but it is not a healthy choice of snack. Ice cream contains dairy cream, which contains lactose. An adult dog’s stomach is not geared up to digest lactose, so dairy is best avoided.

There is no guarantee the mango flavoring in ice cream is even real, and artificial flavorings are not recommended for dogs.

Mango sorbet is free from dairy but is not an appropriate snack choice for dogs because of the high sugar content. It may also contain artificial flavorings and colors, which are not a good option for dogs. It is possible to buy frozen doggy ‘ice creams’ which are formulated to be tummy friendly for dogs to eat but always check the label.

Canned mango is not suitable for dogs as it is usually preserved in syrup or juice, which means it contains more sugar than fresh fruit.

Beware of other mango-flavored products designed for humans as these could well contain an ingredient called xylitol, which is toxic to dogs. They may also contain excessive sugar.

Can it Harm My Dog?

Bulldog With His Head Tilted Looking at the Camera
Mango can harm your canine companion if fed incorrectly.

The mango pit is large and is not easily chewed. A pit could cause a dog to choke, or get stuck in your pup’s gut and cause a blockage if swallowed. Both choking and blockages are potentially life-threatening. The pit contains amygdalin which forms a poison called cyanide when broken down. Cyanide poisoning is life-threatening.

The rind is tough and not easily chewed or digested. It could also be a choking hazard and could risk a blockage in your dog’s gut. It is very important to remove the pit and rind before feeding mango to your four-legged friend.

Which Dogs Should Not Eat Mangoes?

Overweight Mutt Looking at Camera
Some dogs are more likely to have problems eating mango than others, like dogs that need to lose weight.

Dogs with sensitive tummies should stick to familiar foods. Always discuss your dog’s diet with your vet if your pup has a sensitive stomach and before introducing anything new. The sugar and fiber content can cause stomach upset in dogs with sensitivities.

Dogs that are overweight may be best to avoid fruit as it is sugary; vegetables may be better. Again, it is best to discuss this with your vet.

What about dogs with diabetes? Well, mango is sugary, so it may be unsuitable for dogs with diabetes, as peaks in blood sugar levels can put them at risk. However, naturally occurring sugars in fruit are often slower to release into the body than sugars in sweet biscuits and other, less natural, treats.

Dogs with diabetes need to be on a stable diet that doesn’t change from day to day, but if you think you’d like to include mango in this, it may be possible to do so. Speak with your veterinarian about feeding mango to a diabetic dog.

How Do I Feed Mango to My Dog Safely?

Pomeranian Dog Eating Chunk of Fruit
The safest way to feed a dog mango is peeled, with the pit removed, and cut into small bites.

It is always best to check with your veterinarian when introducing new food to your dog’s diet as your individual dog may have a special reason why certain foods are unsafe.

If you are introducing mango for the first time, do so gradually. Any new food can cause an upset tummy. As a guide, you shouldn’t feed more than a teaspoon of new food to a dog the first time, then monitor for 48 hours to check for adverse effects.

Feed mango that is fresh and ripe. Always remove the rind and pit as they are dangerous for dogs to eat. Cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces appropriate for your individual dog. These pieces need to be small enough that they won’t make your dog choke if swallowed whole. A good guide is cutting chunks similar in size to their normal kibble.

Mango contains naturally occurring sugars, which can cause weight gain when eaten in excess. Dogs that are overweight are more likely to suffer from other health conditions like diabetes and joint disease.

To avoid unwanted weight gain when feeding mango, feed only a few small pieces, and not every day. Make sure treats are considered when calculating your dog’s overall intake of calories and be sure they make up no more than 10% of the total food.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can short-nosed dogs like French Bulldogs eat mango?

    Feeding mango to most short-nosed dogs, including French bulldogs, is fine. Mango has the same health benefits for French Bulldogs as for other dogs, but be aware that short-nosed dogs can be more prone to weight gain and, if overweight, are more likely to suffer complications like breathing difficulty during exercise. Choking can be more likely in short-nosed breeds. If feeding mango to your Frenchie, or another short-nosed breed, make sure the bite-sized chunks are extra small.

  • Can a dog digest a mango seed?

    No, the seed or pit is too large to be chewed properly and will not be broken down by the stomach juices. Never feed the mango pit to a dog as it could cause life-threatening complications. If your dog has eaten a mango seed, contact your veterinarian for advice.

  • Do mango seeds contain cyanide?

    Mango seeds/pits contain amygdalin, which turns to cyanide inside the body. Cyanide poisoning is serious. However, you should not feed mango pits for other reasons, including the fact it could cause choking or a blockage in their gut.

  • How much mango can a puppy eat?

    Puppies can enjoy mango as a treat if it is introduced gradually, under the guidance of your veterinarian. Puppies need balanced, puppy-appropriate dog food as their main food, so mango should only be fed as a treat. Feed only the flesh of the mango and be sure to cut it into tiny pieces. Your pup should only have a maximum of 2-3 pieces at a time, once or twice a week.

  • Is dried mango bad for dogs?

    It can be. Pieces of dried mango could cause a dog to choke. Dried mango also contains more sugar and calories than fresh mango, so it is easy to over-feed. If your pup sneaks a tiny bit it is not a cause for panic, as long as they don’t choke, but it’s not a good choice for a regular snack.

  • Can dogs have mango ice cream?

    It is not wise to feed dairy-based ice cream to dogs as most don’t tolerate lactose very well. Human ice creams, even dairy-free ones, may contain a lot of sugar and artificial additives which are not good for dogs. Ice creams and other sweet products may contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

  • Can mango kill a dog?

    If fed correctly - flesh only and cut into small chunks, just every now-and-again - then mango is unlikely to cause harm. However, any food can cause a serious allergic reaction in dogs, although this is rare. Mango could cause your pup to choke if not fed correctly, and the pit and skin could cause life-threatening illness, so these should always be removed.

Final Thoughts

It is safe to feed this fruit to most healthy dogs if the pit and skin are removed and the flesh is cut into small pieces. Mango should only be fed as a treat, not as a main source of nutrition, and it should only be fed occasionally. It is sensible to speak with your veterinarian before introducing a new food or treat to your dog, especially if they have any health problems.

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