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Can Dogs Eat Plums? Are Plums Toxic to Dogs or are They Safe?

Can dogs eat plums? Owners want to make sure fruit is safe before adding anything to their pup's bowl. Veterinarian Holly Anne Hills looks at if plums are safe for canine consumption, or if you should be reaching for a different fruit to add to their diet.

Holly Anne Hills

Last Updated: April 17, 2023 | 7 min read

Can Dogs Eat Plums

This article was written by a veterinarian, but it should not substitute as contact with a trained professional. If your dog ate plum and is reacting adversely, contact your local veterinarian immediately.

Most dogs will willingly eat any human food they can get their paws on, and many enjoy snacking on fruit. It’s quite common for dogs to eat many different fruits. But what about plums? Can dogs eat plums? Are they safe for our canine companions?

While it may seem natural and even kind to share food with our pets, owners need to think twice before giving in to those puppy dog eyes. Though fruits and veggies are a safe and healthy choice for people, canines have different nutritional needs. So, owners must be careful before adding any kind of new fruit to their pet’s nutrition.

Plums are well known for their antioxidant and digestive properties. But are they safe for your pup? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of offering your dog this sweet and tasty fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Fruit?

Although it might sound counterintuitive, as dogs are omnivores (they can eat plant and animal material), fruit can be a great supplement to your dog’s diet. Some fruits, such as bananas, mangoes, watermelons, and pears, are safe and healthy for dogs, while others, such as grapes and raisins, can be toxic. It is wise for owners to learn more before adding any fresh foods to a dog’s diet.

Are Plums Safe for Dogs?

Bowl of Plums
Plums are not toxic and are safe for canine consumption when the pit is removed.

Can dogs eat plums? The short answer is yes. Dogs can safely enjoy plums as a tasty snack. However, you need to know a few important things before you offer your dog a treat from your own fruit bowl, especially some dangers associated with plums.

These fruits contain one large stone, a pit, the biggest threat to your pet. However, the fleshy part of the plum is safe for most canines to consume.

Can dogs eat plum skins?

Yes, dogs can eat plum skins, as well as the flesh. Make sure to wash, slice, and remove pits from plums before feeding them to your dog.

Nutritional Benefits of Plums

Plums are not a very nutrient-dense fruit, but they can be a good source of vitamins A, and C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system. It is also useful in reducing inflammation and maintaining healthy bones and cartilage.

Vitamin A is essential in supporting healthy eyesight, as well as in maintaining their skin and coat. While dogs do not need vitamin A and C supplements in their diet, a few slices of plum every so often is not bad and could be beneficial.

Plums are also a source of fiber, which is important for maintaining healthy digestion, reducing constipation, and helping to control blood sugar levels. The water content of plums is also quite high, so they can make a hydrating and refreshing snack for dogs, just like they do for us.

But plum flesh does have high sugar content, so take care and always feed in moderation, as too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, which can increase their risk of developing other health problems such as diabetes. Additionally, some fruits, including plums, contain xylitol, which is toxic to canines.

How Do I Feed My Dog Plums?

Swiss Dog With Bowl of Plums
Plum should be washed, sliced, and the pit removed before feeding it to your furry friend.

Fruit should always be washed before being fed to a dog. This will remove any dirt as well as wash away the residue of any pesticides or nasty chemicals.

The pit of a plum can be very harmful, so you must remove it before feeding a plum to your dog. Be sure to dispose of the pit immediately so that Fido cannot get his paws on it. The plum should then be sliced to avoid choking.

It’s worth noting that you shouldn’t feed your dog prunes, which are just dried plums. These dried fruits have higher sugar content and, while not toxic, can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

How Often Can I Feed My Dog Plums?

Vizsla Puppy in Front of Fruit Vines
Plums can be fed to dogs as an occasional treat.

Plums, like all treats and snacks, should be enjoyed in moderation. Your pup can enjoy a few slices of plum up to a couple of times a week, but no more than this. Even though we know fruit is healthy and packed full of nutrition, our dogs don’t need to eat the same amount as we do to stay healthy. Even though fruits and vegetables are safe and healthy choices for humans, not all are safe or beneficial to dogs, so it is important owners learn more before giving their pets human foods.

The high sugar content of plums can contribute to weight gain. Too many plums can cause an upset tummy, and physical discomfort, especially if they are prone to this and have a sensitive gut.

Are Plums Bad for Dogs?

Jack Russell dog reaching for plums on a tree
Before offering any plum to your pooch, there are a few risks to be aware of.

Although plums are not bad for dogs and can be safely enjoyed as a tasty treat, there are some risks you need to know about before offering the fruit to your pet. While they have some nutritional benefits, and the fleshy part is largely harmless, the pits can be particularly hazardous for our furry friends. Owners should always avoid letting pets eat plum trees, leaves, flowers, stems, and pits.

If your pup suffers from any health conditions, it is always best to speak to your veterinarian before introducing plums to his diet, either as a treat or on a more frequent basis.

Cyanide and Plum Poisoning

It’s very important to know that several parts of the plum, including the foliage, roots, stems, and the plum pit, contain amygdalin, which, when ingested, is broken down by the body into hydrogen cyanide. Cyanide is as toxic to dogs as people when ingested in high enough doses.

If your dog eats enough plum pits, he could end up very sick. Plum poisoning from cyanide can be fatal if not treated early. Fortunately, there is only a tiny amount of amygdalin in one plum pit, so Fido would need to eat quite a few to reach the toxic dose.

Some dogs can be more susceptible to cyanide poisoning than others. This includes dogs with liver disease, which impairs the liver’s ability to filter toxins from the body.

Cyanide causes cell respiration to stop, so despite lots of oxygen in the blood, the body cannot use it, leading to respiratory collapse. Cyanide poisoning can be fatal without treatment, so it’s important to spot the signs early.

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning in dogs include reddening of the gums, tongue, and mouth, as well as breathing difficulties, dilated pupils, panting, tremors, rapid breathing, agitation, foaming at the mouth, seizures, collapse, and difficulty breathing. If your dog has eaten a plum and has any symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

It’s best to avoid your canine companion getting access to plum pits. Of course, accidental ingestion can occur. If you think your pup might have eaten a plum pit, contact your vet straight away.

Gastric Obstruction

The plum pit can cause many problems if ingested. Not only are they a choking hazard, but they can also become lodged in the digestive tract, causing an obstruction. If left untreated, this can be fatal, so it’s important to speak to your veterinarian if you think your dog may have eaten a plum pit.

Symptoms of obstruction to look out for are vomiting, diarrhea, a painful tummy (yelping or growling when touched or sitting in a ‘prayer position’), constipation, lethargy, loss of appetite, and weakness. Contact your veterinarian if your pup may have eaten a plum pit and has any of these symptoms.

Other more minor risks of plum stones for dogs are damage to the esophagus, stomach, or intestines, as the edges can be very sharp. Also, chewing on plum stones could damage their teeth, as they are very hard.

High Sugar Content

Fruits generally contain a lot of sugar, which also goes for plums. Even though these are naturally occurring sugars, they are still bad for dogs in large amounts. Too much can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and related health problems such as diabetes.

Plum flesh has the highest sugar content. Tinned or canned plums, as well as dried plums, are not suitable for dogs. Dried plums or those preserved in tins contain added sugar, which could cause an upset tummy and contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Plums, like all sweet foods, should be enjoyed in moderation and reserved as an occasional treat for your pet. A few slices of plum a couple of times a week is plenty. Dogs with diabetes are particularly sensitive to high-sugar foods, so take care and speak to your veterinarian first before offering your diabetic dog any sort of sweet snacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a dog digest a plum pit?  

No, dogs cannot digest plum pits. A plum pit can become lodged in the digestive tract if swallowed, causing an obstruction. This can be a serious and even fatal situation and requires immediate treatment.

Can plums kill dogs?  

Eating plums can have some dangerous consequences for dogs, some of which can be fatal if left untreated. Plum pits contain amygdalin, which is broken down into cyanide when ingested. Fortunately, a dog would have to eat several plum pits to suffer cyanide poisoning. Plum pits can obstruct a dog’s digestive tract, which can be fatal if not treated promptly.

What are the symptoms of cyanide poisoning in dogs?  

Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include reddening of the gums, tongue, and mouth, as well as breathing difficulties, dilated pupils, panting, tremors, rapid breathing, agitation, foaming at the mouth, seizures, collapse, and difficulty breathing. If Fido has eaten a plum and has any of these symptoms, you must contact your veterinarian straight away.

How much cyanide is in a plum pit? 

The amygdalin content of purple, yellow, and red plum pits is 2.16mg/g, 1.54mg/g, and 0.44mg/g, respectively. It is thought that the amygdalin content of fruit stones could produce cyanide equivalents of 0.01-1.1mg/g.

Can plums give dogs diarrhea?

Plums may cause diarrhea in dogs if fed too often or in large quantities. Plums have a high sugar content, which can cause diarrhea in dogs.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Like plums, peaches have pits, which are very dangerous for pets. The fleshy fruit is safe, but only in moderation. As with all fruits, peaches may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and other issues if eaten in excess.

Final Thoughts

Owners should always provide their dogs with the best dog food they can and ensure it is nutritionally balanced. fresh foods can be added, in moderation, as treats. Fresh fruit, like plums, can be safe under the right circumstances. Dogs can safely enjoy plums when washed, sliced, and pitted. Remember that plum pits contain amygdalin, which is broken down into cyanide when ingested. Eating too much could be extremely harmful to your pet and make them very sick.

The pits can also cause dangerous gastric obstructions and tooth damage. But, when prepared properly and safely and fed in moderation, plums make a super sweet, nutritious, and tasty treat for your pet!

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